Explore the latest UPWIND team News (PT)

Investigadores da FEUP criam dispositivo para produção de energia eólica Um grupo de investigadores da Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade...

Deep INVENTHEI Conference

Under the theme Cultivating Tomorrow’s Innovators, the final DEEP INVENTHEI conference will take place on the 15th and 16th of...

EU-DREAM Kick-off Meeting

Effective Uptake of Digital Services to Repower European Consumers and Communities as Active Participants in Energy Transition and MarketsGrant agreement...

UPWIND team awarded at National ClimateLaunchpad

Since this competition began in 2014, almost 15,000 business ideas from 60 countries worldwide have signed up to ClimateLaunchpad. The...

Check Professor Gil Gonçalves (DIGI2) “90 segundos de Ciência” Episode (PT)

“These robots will work together with operators and must be able to respond to the movements of the person next...

SYSTEC Seminars

Performance Comparison of Wide Band Gap Semiconductors Based Multilevel Converters for Grid Application In recent years, Wide Band Gap (WBG)...

UPWIND Showcases Airborne Wind Energy Technology at South3E 2024

On June 18, 2024, the UPWIND team from the SYSTEC R&D Unit presented Airborne Wind Energy Technology at South3E 2024...

EUDREAM Kick-off Meeting

On July 4-5, 2024, the kick-off meeting for the EUDREAM project (Effective Uptake of Digital Services to Repower European Consumers...

SYSTEC Team on iUP25k

The SYSTEC UPWind team takes third place! Organized by U.Porto Inovação, iUP25k aims to be a true ignition action for...