AIMS2 – AI for Manufacturing SMEs and Students

  • FUNDING: European Institute of Innovation & Technology
  • PROGRAMME: EIT Manufacturing – EIT Manufacturing (KIC LE)
  • PERIOD OF EXECUTION: 01/01/2021 – 31/12/2021
  • COORDINATOR: Gil Manuel Magalhães de Andrade Gonçalves


Industry 4.0 is focused on information systems bringing together data from a large variety of sources. These data are subject to analytics to become the high fidelity information that enables systems to become more intelligent and autonomous. In these digital processes, Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a central role in creating the necessary autonomy. In the Industrial transformation, there are frontrunners, followers and laggards among professionals, students and teachers. This AI-focused education project brings these groups together to accelerate the digital transformation. Next to teaching new generations of students, the professional education of technical workers and teachers is crucial because most of the current workforce has not received formal education in these digital technologies. This project will deliver state-of-the-art AI education using practical industry-relevant use cases to professionals and students in four countries, in co-operation with private companies.

FactoRIS – Learning Factories for Digital Transformation of SMEs

IN2STEMPO – Innovative Solutions in Future Stations, Energy Metering and Power Supply

InnoDC – Innovative tools for offshore wind and DC grids

ASYMPTOTE – Adaptive Synchronous Mathematics Learning Paths for Online Teaching in Europe

DIGIMAN – aDvanced studIes in Digitalisation of MANufacturing

DISCOVER MANUFACTURING – Educational program on advanced manufacturing for secondary school students

EduDevRIS – Education programs development in RIS countries

YML – TWO (Young Manufacturing Leaders – Talented Workforce for an Open society)

M-NEST-II – Network for Empowering People in Added-Value Manufacturing Systems and Technologies

RECLAIM – RE-manufaCturing and Refurbishment LArge Industrial equipment

ShapiNG II – Shaping the Next Generation of manufacturing professionals I

EUMarineRobots – Marine robotics research infrastructure network

BugWright2 – Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Maintenance on Ship Hulls and Storage Tanks

CoMap – Cooperative Autonomous Multi-Vehicle Mapping System

MELOA – Multi-purpose/Multi-sensor Extra Light Oceanography Apparatus

FAST – manufacturing – Manufatura flexível e sustentável

  • REFERENCE CODE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031821
  • FUNDING: FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
  • PROGRAMME: FCT-UID – Programas Integrados de IC&DT (2015 – 2020)
  • PERIOD OF EXECUTION: 01/07/2018 – 30/06/2021
  • COORDINATOR: Dalila Benedita Machado Martins Fontes


This project focus on manufacturing flexibility and sustainability. The former is researched by optimizing scheduling operations in flexible manufacturing systems through the cumulative integration of the several sub-problems faced in manufacturing flexible systems.
Sustainability is promoted via optimizing resource consumption and pollutant emissions along with the usual efficiency measures (makes pan, tardiness, workload, etc.) for production operations scheduling problems. Regarding the emissions, it also accounts for the possibility of buying and/or selling pollution permits. This project aims at developing mathematical programming models as well solutions methods to solve them for the problems. In addition, and due to the NP-hardness nature of the problems under consideration, we also aim at proposing solution approaches based on evolutionary algorithms that are capable of finding good solutions in a reasonable are also proposed.

HARMONY – Distributed Optimal Control for Cyber-Physical Systems Applications

IMPROVE – Controlo Não Linear, Estimação e Deteção de Falhas com Garantias Formais para Sistemas Robóticos Móveis

MAGIC – Controlo e Estimação Multi-Agente para a Conciliação de Objectivos Multi-Horizonte

MLDLCOV – Impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on mobility, air pollution and macroeconomic indicators in Portugal: a Machine Learning Approach

RELIABLE – Avanços nas metodologias de projeto de controlo para sistemas críticos de segurança aplicados à robótica

UPWIND- A Multi-Kite System to Harvest High Altitude Wind Power

ToChair – Os Desafios Óptimos na Irrigação

GRIS – Refinamento de Grão Induzido por Agitação Eletromagnética: Desenvolvimento de uma Abordagem Preditiva para Implantes Médicos em Co-Cr

UHPGRADE – Nova geração de compósitos cimentícios de ultra-elevado desempenho para a reabilitação e reforço de estruturas

DORIS – Desenvolvimento de um Veículo Autónomo de Superfície para Amostragem de Surfactantes Marinhos nos Sistemas Oceano-Rio

EMSO-PT – Observatório Europeu Multidisciplinar do Fundo do Mar e Coluna de Água – Portugal (2017-2020)

STRIDE – Smart Cyberphysical, Mathematical, Computation and Power Engineering Research for Disruptive Innovation in Production, Mobility, Health, and Ocean Systems and Technologies

SNAP – Sustainable Management and Control of Agro-Production Systems

ATLANTIDA – Platform for the monitoring of the North Atlantic Ocean and tools for the sustainable exploitation of the marine resources

CiberToque – Digitalização da arte humana

DEZMPP – Desenvolvimento de plataforma de Digital Manufacturing

DynamiCITY: Fostering Dynamic Adaptation of Smart Cities to Cope with Crises and Disruptions


H2CURE – Desenvolvimento de formulações de Géis e pensos de Mel, Goma Gelana e Ácido Hialurónico para tratamento de feridas

H2-UI4PT: H2 Usage Improvement for Public Transport

INDTECH 4.0- Novas tecnologias para a fabricação inteligente

INVENTHEI – INnoVation and ENTrepreneurship in HEIs

iRail – Programa Doutoral em Sistemas e Tecnologias Inovadoras para a Ferrovia

NextGenHPC – Next Generation High Power Charges

NGQC IoRT – Next-Gen Quality Control IoRT System

PRODUTECH4S&C – PRODUTECH SUSTENTÁVEL & CIRCULAR – Soluções inovadoras, sustentáveis e circulares com impacto na fileira das tecnologias de produção

RAMP: Rapid-response to Marine Pollution

SMARTCUT – Diagnóstico e Manutenção Remota e Simuladores para Formação de operação e manutenção de Máquinas Florestais

SMARTINJECT – Desenvolvimento De Peças De Elevado Desempenho Injetadas Em Ligas De Aluminio


Warehouse of the Future (WoF) – Novos sistemas inteligentes, conectados, flexíveis e eficientes para o armazém do future

BATERIAS 2030 – As baterias como elemento central para a sustentabilidade urbana

ASTRIIS – Atlantic Sustainability Through Remote and Integrated In-situ Solutions