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INVENTHEI, a SYSTEC project co-funded by EIT Manufacturing, presents the first session of its mentoring program – MENT.UP! The event

Inova+ Awards

INOVA+ celebrated its 25th anniversary with the launch of a national competition to award innovative projects in a scientific and

MAGIC Workshop 2021

Multi-Agent Control and Estimation for the Conciliation of Multi-Horizon Objectives Porto, 29th January 2021 This workshop aimed at disseminating the


Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), Mozambique 2020/2021 ISR-Porto researchers collaborated with the Faculty of Sciences, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Mozambique, in the

EIT Manufacturing Winter School 2021

Online activities 15th-18th November 2021Porto, 22nd-26th November 2021 Inspired in the new European Bauhaus initiative, the EITM 2021 Winter School